Allah, the Most High, the Most Great, has spoken the truth, His noble Messenger has spoken the truth, and we are witnesses to that. Our Lord! Accept from us, for verily you are the All-Hearing, the All-Knowing.
Allah! Grant us with every harf [letter] of the Qur’an halawah [sweetness]
and with every juz [part] of the Qur’an jazaa [reward].
Allah! Grant us with (the recitation of every) alif, ulfah [love]
with (every) baa, barakah [blessing]
with (every) taa, tawbah [repentance]
with (every) thaa, thawaab [reward]
with (every) jeem, jamaal [beauty]
with (every) haa, hikmah [wisdom]
with (every) khaa, khair [goodness]
with (every) daal, daleel [proof]
with (every) dhaal, dhakaa [intelligence]
with (every) raa, rahmah [mercy]
with (every) zaa, zakaah [purity]
with (every) seen, sa’aadah [happiness]
with (every) sheen, shifaa’ [cure]
with (every) saad, sidq [sincerity]
with (every) dhaad, dhiyaa’ [light]
with (every) taa, taraawah [tenderness]
with (every) dhaa, Dhafar [victory]
with (every) ‘ain, ‘ilm [knowledge]
with (every) ghain, ghinaa [wealth]
with (every) faa, falaah [success]
with (every) qaaf, qurbah [nearness]
with (every) kaaf, karamah [nobility]
with (every) laam, lutf [gentleness]
with (every) meem, maw’izah [exhortation]
with (every) nun, noor [light]
with (every) waaw, wuslah [connection]
with (every) haa, hidayah [guidance]
and with (every) yaa, yaqeen [certainty]
Allah! Benefit us through the the great Qur’an, and raise us through the ayat [verses] and the wise Remembrance. Accept from us our recitation and overlook for us that which was present in the recitation of the Qur’an – of mistakes, forgetfulness or negligent pronunciation in changing words from their [correct] places. Or advancing, delaying, adding or subtracting. Or interpretation [according to] other than what You have revealed. Or doubt, uncertainty or bad reading. Or hurrying while reciting the Qur’an, laziness, hastiness or a swerving tongue. Or stopping without wuquf, idghaam without mudgham, iz-haar without bayaan or madd, tashdeed, hamzah, jazm or i’raab, [according to] other than what You have decreed. Or lack of longing and fear at the [time of reciting] the ayat of mercy and the ayat of punishment. So forgive us, our Lord, and write us as amongst the witnesses.
Allah! Illuminate our hearts with the Qur’an, beautify our character with the Qur’an, save us from the Fire with the Qur’an, and enter us into Paradise with the Qur’an.
Allah! Make the Qur’an for us in this world a qareen [intimate], in the grave a mu’nis [companion], upon the path a nur [light], in Paradise a rafeeq [friend], from the Fire a sitr [shield] and a hijab [barrier], and to good deeds – all of them – a daleel [evidence]. So record for us upon the completion and grant us fulfillment with the heart and tongue, love of goodness; happiness and glad tidings of faith.
And the blessings of Allah, exalted be He, be upon the best of His creation, Muhammad, upon his family and his companions, and much, much peace.